Wednesday Night Adult Bible Study
Greater Ideal is a church that believes in building up the spiritual man stronger. On Wednesday night, bible study is held in the sanctuary for both men and women. Our studies have been coming from Rightnow Media who believe that the mission of the church matters. That everything they do at RightNow Media is rooted in Jesus’s promise that God will use his people to change the world.
You can now log into the current bible study virtually by clicking the Join Us link below.
When Your Way Isn’t Working Kyle Idleman Description Maybe you’ve found recently that you are getting more irritable with people. Or you’re feeling more overwhelmed and defeated by the challenges that life is throwing your way. Or you’re spending more time scanning social media than you are connecting with God in prayer. Even doing things your way isn’t working out the way you think it should. If you’re feeling discouraged, frustrated, and worn out, it’s a good indication that something in your life is out of sync. Fortunately, there is a solution to this problem found in Scripture. In John 15:5, Jesus tells his followers, “I am the vine, you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit, apart from me you can’t do anything.” Instead of going it alone in this life, we are to stay connected to him. In this video Bible study, pastor Kyle Idleman reveals how we can actually do that by: • Seeking out greater rest, depth, and connection in our lives • Recognizing that what we can’t do makes room for what God can do • Finding freedom from the pressures of performance and production • Stepping out of loneliness and isolation even when it feels scary • Getting rid of the distractions that keep us disconnected from Christ